Cherie & Greg’s Story

We have been abundantly blessed by being able to adopt two beautiful children through Beginnings. Our adoption journey began in January 2004 when we had the privilege of meeting with our social worker, Kerry Vandergrift. It was through Kerry that we were introduced to Beginnings.
In the spring of 2004, we attended Beginnings’ weekend workshop which really opened our eyes to the reality of adoption. As we look back, that weekend was a watershed moment for us. Up until that point, we had struggled with the concept of having an open adoption. It really didn’t make sense to us as to why we needed to have contact with birth parents and families. We felt uncomfortable about how our families would interact and fearful about what this type of relationship would look like.
God really opened our hearts and minds during the retreat as we had time to talk and pray as a couple about considering an open adoption experience. We learned that we needed to take our pride and selfish motives out of the picture and realize how an open adoption would benefit our child! While at the workshop, we enjoyed the opportunity of meeting a “real life” birth mom, child and an adoptive family on the panel and see the bond between them.
We could see firsthand how open adoption worked for them. Coming away from that weekend, we had a real excitement and true peace about open adoption for our future children. In fact, we became passionate about wanting an ongoing dialogue and shared journey with the birth family.
At present, we are receiving a great blessing through interacting with our children’s birth families. We are thrilled that they are part of our lives and our children’s lives. We know that it is a benefit to our children to have so many people that love them. We truly consider them as part of our family as we go through life together and especially love to brag about their milestones to more doting relatives!
One thing we have learned is that not everyone understands having an open adoption but we are at peace knowing that it is okay if not everyone “gets it”. We also acknowledge that like any relationship, having an open adoption takes work. It is not always easy. However, we DO know that we are truly doing what is best for our children by allowing them to know their birth families and have contact with them. We are fortunate to have a healthy relationship with our children’s birth families and anticipate how this will benefit our children especially as they grow older.
Cherie & Greg